
Keep your irrigation system clean and efficient with Shock, the ultimate irrigation cleaner and descaler. Remove scale, mineral buildup, and blockages in just 1.5 hours to restore water flow and enhance nutrient delivery. Learn how Shock outperforms competitors with its fast-acting, eco-friendly formula. Read more now!
Learn why removing Powder A or tapering Base A late in flower is essential for maximizing cannabis quality. Discover tips for promoting full maturation, boosting cannabinoids, and enhancing terpenes with Drip Hydro's tailored feeding strategies.
Our POWDERS offer customizable nutrient solutions tailored to every growth stage, ensuring precise delivery of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients to maximize plant health and yield. By adjusting feed concentrations, growers can enhance resin production, terpene profiles, and overall crop quality while optimizing cost and efficiency.
Discover the power of chelated micronutrients in cannabis cultivation. Learn how these essential nutrients enhance plant health, boost yields, and drive metabolic reactions. Drip Hydro's advanced formulas ensure maximum bioavailability, improve nutrient uptake, and minimize salinity for thriving plants. Grow with confidence!
Discover how advanced tissue, feed, and drain analysis drives the development of FLUIDS and POWDERS, delivering balanced, cost-effective plant nutrition. Achieve consistent, high-quality yields with precision nutrient solutions tailored for every stage of growth.

Crush your next run.

Our POWDERS are one of, if not the most, balanced lines on the market.

Through meticulous tissue, feed, and drain analysis, we’ve perfected nutrient ratios specifically for cannabis—ensuring optimal plant health without the need for excessive EC levels.